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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€How to use different cars in a championship Pixel
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How to use different cars in a championship Vote_lcapHow to use different cars in a championship Voting_barHow to use different cars in a championship Vote_rcap 
How to use different cars in a championship Vote_lcapHow to use different cars in a championship Voting_barHow to use different cars in a championship Vote_rcap 
How to use different cars in a championship Vote_lcapHow to use different cars in a championship Voting_barHow to use different cars in a championship Vote_rcap 
How to use different cars in a championship Vote_lcapHow to use different cars in a championship Voting_barHow to use different cars in a championship Vote_rcap 
How to use different cars in a championship Vote_lcapHow to use different cars in a championship Voting_barHow to use different cars in a championship Vote_rcap 
How to use different cars in a championship Vote_lcapHow to use different cars in a championship Voting_barHow to use different cars in a championship Vote_rcap 
How to use different cars in a championship Vote_lcapHow to use different cars in a championship Voting_barHow to use different cars in a championship Vote_rcap 
How to use different cars in a championship Vote_lcapHow to use different cars in a championship Voting_barHow to use different cars in a championship Vote_rcap 
How to use different cars in a championship Vote_lcapHow to use different cars in a championship Voting_barHow to use different cars in a championship Vote_rcap 
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 How to use different cars in a championship

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1
Anmeldedatum : 2013-02-18

How to use different cars in a championship Empty
PostSubject: How to use different cars in a championship   How to use different cars in a championship EmptyWed 19 Jun 2013, 9:07 am

Congratulations to everyone who makes this forum.
First of all I apologize for my English.

Despite all the new simulators offer'm still in love with GT Legends, I think this game has a special charm.

Lately I have created new championships structure basing on the existing ones in the original game, so far no problem. But I would go one step further, and try to get into a tournament of 8 races, you could choose a different car within the same category, for each race. We all know that every car has certain characteristics that are well suited to circuits and harm to others.
I tried to create a "championship consisting of a single race championships" but I did not succeed. I have also tried to modify .bch or .sve files but are encrypted and do not understand what they contain.

Does anyone know how to do?

Thank you everyone.
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