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Evolution Modding

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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€ A "Couple" of AI Q's... Pixel
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  A "Couple" of AI Q's...

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 40
Anmeldedatum : 2011-06-06

 A "Couple" of AI Q's... Empty
PostSubject: A "Couple" of AI Q's...    A "Couple" of AI Q's... EmptySat 27 Apr 2013, 4:16 pm


Can anyone help with any of these please?

1. Crashing out on cold tires
I've noticed that at a couple of tracks, namely 70 & 79 Oesterreich, Silverstone and various others.
The type of tracks where you have fast bumpy corner entry.
The cars just seem to attack the corner at full pelt and inevitably end up crashing and causing major pile-ups! As the tires start to warn up the remaining cars which haven't been written off in the opening laps start to act as normal.

1. How do I slow the cars down at these particular corners where the cars keep crashing and not affect the rest of the AI's lap time?

2. Failing that, can I slow the cars down in the opening laps and then let them gradually pick up speed as the tires warm up?

"maybe something in the '.RCD' file?

2. Drafting/Slip-streaming

I'm using these figures,

AI Max Load="38000.00000"


And while I can draft and use the slip-stream to good effect. The AI unfortunately do/can't not.

How can I make the AI take more advantage of the drafting effect?

Many many Thanks
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