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 help: no pit spot assigned

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 273
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 63
Ort : Florence,Italy not far from Mugello

help: no pit spot assigned Empty
PostSubject: help: no pit spot assigned   help: no pit spot assigned EmptyMon 01 Apr 2013, 2:08 pm

Hello mates
sometimes at the end of track loading the game CTD I have take a look on the trace file and the last line say:
driver.cpp 897: Warning: No pit-spot assigned
how can I fix it?
ty in advantage Very Happy
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

help: no pit spot assigned Empty
PostSubject: Re: help: no pit spot assigned   help: no pit spot assigned EmptyMon 01 Apr 2013, 9:18 pm

Are the tracks that this happens on ones that you have converted from GTR2? The reason I ask is that some people don't delete certain lines from the AIW files which are for garages and maybe that is the cause.

The lines that need to be deleted (not always apparent on every track) extract from tutorial thanks to N2LO:

) Open up the track .AIW file and delete the following entries
Under the [Grid] (X= numerals)


and under [Pits] Delete


The only other thing would be to have less cars on the grid so there are enough garage spaces.

I hope this helps you Dylan m8. clown

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 273
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 63
Ort : Florence,Italy not far from Mugello

help: no pit spot assigned Empty
PostSubject: Re: help: no pit spot assigned   help: no pit spot assigned EmptyMon 01 Apr 2013, 11:16 pm

Sorry I'm talking about gtr2 not gtl....no mate happen sometime with gtr2 tracks...btw usually i add that lines to avoid the pace car converting from gtl to gtr2.
and happen also if I race with only 1 car...i think is something with a .car file of the car
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 522
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-30
Alter : 74
Ort : Pittsburgh PA back then. Tarpon Springs Florida later. Cocoa Beach Florida now. Not far from Daytona and Sebring.

help: no pit spot assigned Empty
PostSubject: Re: help: no pit spot assigned   help: no pit spot assigned EmptyTue 02 Apr 2013, 2:28 am

Make sure that the offending car file is looking for the correct HDC file.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 28
Anmeldedatum : 2010-11-07

help: no pit spot assigned Empty
PostSubject: Re: help: no pit spot assigned   help: no pit spot assigned EmptyThu 04 Apr 2013, 1:58 am

GeeDee wrote:
Are the tracks that this happens on ones that you have converted from GTR2? The reason I ask is that some people don't delete certain lines from the AIW files which are for garages and maybe that is the cause.

The lines that need to be deleted (not always apparent on every track) extract from tutorial thanks to N2LO:

) Open up the track .AIW file and delete the following entries
Under the [Grid] (X= numerals)


and under [Pits] Delete



The only other thing would be to have less cars on the grid so there are enough garage spaces.

I hope this helps you Dylan m8. clown

@GEE DEE...if you delete these lines , you can now have the Pace appear at very odd places around the track....... drunken
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Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

help: no pit spot assigned Empty
PostSubject: Re: help: no pit spot assigned   help: no pit spot assigned EmptyThu 04 Apr 2013, 11:48 am

@ eurostc.

I was talking about GTL which doesn't have a Pace Car and doesn't use those garage spots which can cause issues on GTL, but thank you for th thought anyway m8y. Very Happy
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 28
Anmeldedatum : 2010-11-07

help: no pit spot assigned Empty
PostSubject: Re: help: no pit spot assigned   help: no pit spot assigned EmptyFri 05 Apr 2013, 2:20 am

ok................ bom
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