Well, if so, I prefer chocolates made in Taiwan or Ethiopia!!! Hehehe!! Those englishmen.... God save the Queen, because He don't save those men anymore!! I like very , very much Cadbury's and Galaxy, etc, but, being really honest, belgium chocolate is the better all over the world, after Ethiopia and Taiwan, of course!!!!
GeeDee Premium Member
Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040 Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23 Alter : 75 Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney
besides the happy wishes we always find the time for an intentionally misunderestimating, which leeds to further interesting discussions. I like very much, that you all are alive and able and willing to flaunt about that! (Btw - "different" in German means "verschieden", which as well can be transearlied as "deceased". I guess, the pitfalls in translucent translations are countless, but I place value on the fact, that my guests have not been that different...)
Ney - unfortunately you have not met Carlos at our last visit (the former husband of Astrid) who tends to live in Rio as well. He is a master of misunderstanding (and misspelling), which is easy to be seen at the following videos:
Oh, and I like Belgian chocolate as well! Other than most thoroughly conched kinds of swiss chocolate it´s a bit sandy and reminds me to a sort of dog-chocolate, we used to eat them away after our Gummy Bears ran out. But if I have an option, Marabou would be the product of my choice, although Swedish...
But the most incredible candy-thingy, I ever ate, was "leitechi"! Do you know that, Ney? It seems to be useful in Brazil, but maybe it´s just a very special "perversão" of Carlos and Astrid. You have to put a can of evaporated milk into a boiling pot of water and boil it very hard for several hours. After that you get some sort of to be spooned-out candy-creme with a very special taste. If you visit Astrid once more, you can recognize some stain at the ceiling of her kitchen, which was the result of occasionally exploding cans during those undertakings. The fact, that those stains are still there after 20 years, sheds a light on the fact, that Brazilian house-aids seem to be rather neglectful with their obligations and the inhabitants tend to proceed a style of laissez-faire as well (as useful at countries with high temperatures - lets do it tomorrow and go to the beach instead...)
Anzahl der Beiträge : 2384 Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23 Alter : 76 Ort : Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Subject: Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CITYTEA!!!! Sat 27 Oct 2012, 12:00 am
" .........the inhabitants tend to proceed a style of laissez-faire as well (as useful at countries with high temperatures - lets do it tomorrow and go to the beach instead...)......."!!! Mostly young retired people, with some money in pocket, like me, for example! I just arrived from another trip to New York again, one year passed from the last time, and, immediatelly back to my byking at Ipanema, and let' s do the things tomorrow and go to the beach!! It's a good life, increased by our beloved GTLegends and my incredible friends from this dreamly community! Be good Klaus, and kiss Regina for me! BTW:1) I think Carlos and Astrid was joking with you!! Hehehehehehe!! 2) But I worked hard all my life to be where i'm now!!
Anzahl der Beiträge : 113 Anmeldedatum : 2010-07-05 Alter : 68
Subject: Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CITYTEA!!!! Sat 27 Oct 2012, 10:31 am
ney.dias wrote:
I think Carlos and Astrid was joking with you!! Hehehehehehe!!
You think about the "leitchi"? I tend to believe, they liked this special candy very much. Heard first of it when they were here in Germany and discovered our "Kondensmilch"-cans. They did it in our kitchen as well and the result (luckily only of taste) was similar. At the exploding can in Rio I was present then one year later. And twenty years later again I could discover the stain still there at the top of the roof. It was wiped away for sure, but never painted with white. Maybe it´s working the exactly other way though - they are always traveling around the whole world and therefore no time and interest to remove it flawlessly. Maybe its just because of it was never necessary to raise the head up to the roof... Anyway - I have a similar style of living. If I wouldn´t have worked hard till my early retiring, I would not be able to employee a housekeeper, that removes those accidents (and the other results of countless partys) at my home, and it would be exactly the same there...
They are joking all the time, but I think about the leichi, that it was a serious matter of concern for them. Greetings back to your Regina! I hope in some days I will be back again with a new up-to-date high-end computer and can start working again. (Lap for now)
Anzahl der Beiträge : 2384 Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23 Alter : 76 Ort : Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Subject: Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CITYTEA!!!! Sat 27 Oct 2012, 11:33 am
Great conversation, old friend! Always nice to talk to you, even among so many good friends! Regards from Rio!
GeeDee Premium Member
Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040 Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23 Alter : 75 Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney
Subject: Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY CITYTEA!!!! Sat 27 Oct 2012, 10:03 pm
I have heard of this candy before also as you can use it as the caramel layer that is chocolate coated and has biscuit on the bottom and it's called Caramel Shortcake. To stop the can exploding all you need to do is ensure that the can always has water over the top of it all of the time and I think 1 to 1.5 hours is all it needs to cook.
No more stains!!!! Unless it makes you have diarrhea (diarréia - Durchfall) Teee heeee!!