Evolution Modding
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Evolution Modding

or to Hubert-1@gmx.de

COSTS PER YEAR: 150€HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Pixel
Donated: 75€

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HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_lcapHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Voting_barHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_rcap 
HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_lcapHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Voting_barHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_rcap 
HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_lcapHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Voting_barHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_rcap 
HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_lcapHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Voting_barHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_rcap 
HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_lcapHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Voting_barHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_rcap 
HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_lcapHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Voting_barHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_rcap 
HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_lcapHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Voting_barHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_rcap 
HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_lcapHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Voting_barHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_rcap 
HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_lcapHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Voting_barHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_rcap 
HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_lcapHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Voting_barHELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Vote_rcap 
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 HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu

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2 posters

Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 2022-11-19

HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Empty
PostSubject: HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu   HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu EmptyThu 29 Jun 2023, 5:32 am

I Have download the mod and in te selection menu the cars don't show and if I start a practice or a race the game crush help me please. Sad
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2
Anmeldedatum : 2022-11-19

HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Empty
PostSubject: Re: HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu   HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu EmptyThu 29 Jun 2023, 5:41 am

The log give me this problems

netcomm.cpp  7902: NetComm checking command line: "+fullproc trace=1"
setup.cpp    1194: Could not find .HDC
setup.cpp    1194: Could not find .HDC
tire_manager 1171: Non-existent tire brand ""
tire_manager 1171: Non-existent tire brand ""
tire_manager 1171: Non-existent tire brand ""
tire_manager 1171: Non-existent tire brand ""
O_BaseGz.cpp 8759: CUBE error loading scene file USERDATA\tmpvehicle.scn: Error opening MAS file SJMODDING_STEX.GTR
O_BaseGz.cpp 8759: CUBE error loading scene file USERDATA\tmpvehicle.scn: Error opening MAS file SJMODDING_STEX.GTR
O_BaseGz.cpp 8759: CUBE error loading scene file USERDATA\tmpvehicle.scn: Error opening MAS file SJMODDING_STEX.GTR
O_BaseGz.cpp 8759: CUBE error loading scene file USERDATA\tmpvehicle.scn: Error opening MAS file SJMODDING_STEX.GTR
vehgfx.cpp   2631: Unable to read USERDATA\LOG\vehgen.scn: Error opening MAS file SJMODDING_STEX.GTR
vehgfx.cpp   2684: Could not find instance "SLOT000"
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 3567
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-22
Ort : Germany

HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Empty
PostSubject: Re: HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu   HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu EmptyThu 29 Jun 2023, 7:27 am

It's clearly stated, what is missing: SJMODDING_STEX.GTR

Which mod are you trying to install? I don't know that file (but I don't use GTR2, only P&G).

Maybe you should contact the creator (https://sjmodding.de.tl/ )

So long.

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HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Empty
PostSubject: Re: HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu   HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu Empty

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HELP ME The cars don't load in the menu
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