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 V8s moving to Sandown

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 46
Anmeldedatum : 2013-11-29

V8s moving to Sandown Empty
PostSubject: V8s moving to Sandown   V8s moving to Sandown EmptyWed 22 Apr 2015, 9:12 pm

V8s moving to Sandown S2R11Sandown

Closing out the month of April, XSR's V8 Supercar drivers move to Sandown to carry out Race 11 of the championship. Last time out at Winton, Mongoose extended his points lead after a disastrous qualifying session where he was forced to start last. He climbed his way through the field, over taking the majority of the field while the drivers took pit stops, meanwhile opting for a late stop strategy. Mongoose ran his hard tires to lap 38/45 and dove to the pits for softs. At this point, Dah72094 re-acquired the lead and held a 12 second gap when Mongoose came out. By this time, Shade13 and Thunter had both dropped out due to damage and Alexi99 remained the sole contender in the race to the two setting the pace up front. Mongoose went into full attack mode and chased down Dah72094 at roughly 2 seconds a lap (although it was alternating chunks of no time and 3+ secs/lap) as his new sift tires gripped into the track much better than Dah's used meds. On the last lap, Mongoose was just barely within striking distance when Dah drove a little bit wide about halfway through the lap, leaving plenty of room for Mongoose to slide into the lead, and ultimately, Victory Lane. Mongoose set the XSR lap record for Winton on lap 44 of 45 with a 1.18.601, breaking the previous record set by Dah in Qualifying of 1.19.776. In total, the Fastest Lap was set 7 times by Shade13, Thunter, and Mongoose, with 18 overtakes in the 45 lap event. Lap Leaders were Shade 13 with 9, Mongoose with 15, and Dah72094 with 21.

Next week we take on the first of the elevated points races at Sandown. With the points table for this race being elevated to 1.3 of normal, this is the first of 3 chances for drivers further down the points table to make more ground on the drivers ahead of them than they would usually have. Bathurst will feature a double points scenario for any drivers involved and the Gold Coast event at Surfer's Paradise will also feature this week's 1.3x elevated points structure. While Mongoose and Alexi99 are in their own postal code at the top of the board, the rest of the field is far from decided and these next 3 races can really shake things up. Also a no show from either Mongoose or Alexi99 can change things significantly. There are still 6 points races left to go.

Sign-ups for this league as well as any other at XSR are always open during the season. Currently we have 19 seats remaining in this series so there is still time to get in and get a decent finish in the final standings, or just join a race or two to see our operation. More information can be found at the link below!

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