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Cars, Skins and Tracks for GTL/GTR2
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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Pixel
Donated: 75€

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 Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 98
Anmeldedatum : 2021-11-07

Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Empty
PostSubject: Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars   Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars EmptyWed 30 Oct 2024, 7:55 am

Does anybody here play BeamNG.Drive ?

Actually, it's not that interesting, it's another of those games that could have been great but are just disappointing and frustrating...

The cars are lame, the most interesting ones being the semi truck, some of the off-roaders and the Bluebuck. Driving the Bluebuck reminds me very much of my '63 Impala, approximative steering, terrible road holding, spongious suspension, prone to overheat, almost perfectly the same (the Bluebuck's brakes are much too efficient and don't seem to fade after a bit of use).

The tracks also have little interest, apart from Utah, jungle island and small island that feature a lot of dirt/mud roads/paths that are interesting to drive on with the vehicles cited above. These three tracks really have an atmosphere that make you want to just take the wheel and explore the surroundings. The other tracks are rather bland and generic, leaving you bored.

On the gaming side, there's nothing much to do, it has a few scenarios but nothing tremendous, these also are pretty dull...

So, since the tracks and cars are rather huge in size, 1 to 3 GB for tracks, 200 MB to 1 GB for cars, I made my own custon version with only the tracks and vehicles I like, it works perfectly...

I also made skins for two of the cars, the Burnside and the Bluebuck, that seem to be not among the developpers' favorites and feature very few versions and use the same color for body and interior. I also reworked the official taxi and police skins that were poorly done, the police door badge and the taxi fare sign could be painted when they shouldn't be...

I didn't do any 3D, the Bluebuck convertible, flat top and wagon, as well as the the Burnside coupé and wagon are the work of modders.

There are now 166 Bluebucks instead of 34, and 51 Burnsides instead of 8.

If some people are interested, I'll uplload them to Mediafire, but these are big files, more than 500 MB for the Bluebuck and about 250 for the Burnside (mods included).

Here are a few of them :

Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen20
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen19
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen17
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen13
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen14
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen16
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen26
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen15
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen11
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen21
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen22
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen23
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen31
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen35
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen40
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen43
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen45
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen46

Bluebluck ambulance, fire department (and hearse)
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen37
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen29
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen27
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen38
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen32
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen10
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen18
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen12
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen42

Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen24
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen25
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen33
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen34
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen39
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen36
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen41
Skins for BeamNG.Drive cars Screen44

right click on the pic and choose open image in a new tab to see them full size...

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