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 Can-Am Reboot

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 9
Anmeldedatum : 2012-12-06

Can-Am Reboot Empty
PostSubject: Can-Am Reboot   Can-Am Reboot EmptySat 17 Aug 2024, 6:57 pm

Short version, original Can-Am works fine, Can-Am reboot available here does not. All cars CTD when entering track with the same log return:

vehgfx.cpp   2631: Unable to read USERDATA\LOG\vehgen.scn: Error loading global material INT_DRIVER_STYLE00

I tried adding a random dds with that name to the GTR files but, the crash and error still happen. Only mod that does this. Also, there are no issues creating the vehgen.scn file, it's there and created every time.

Any ideas much appreciated.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1216
Anmeldedatum : 2016-02-23
Ort : In my other Shed

Can-Am Reboot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can-Am Reboot   Can-Am Reboot EmptySat 17 Aug 2024, 8:33 pm

You are missing the driver and or its associated dds files in your install.
check you are using the correct stex files also.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 9
Anmeldedatum : 2012-12-06

Can-Am Reboot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can-Am Reboot   Can-Am Reboot EmptySat 17 Aug 2024, 9:24 pm

That was my guess, something with base files, but what driver? And what stex? The mod has no pre-conditions listed, impossible to know what's missing.

EDIT - Extracting the two driver models in Can-Am Reboot to 3dsim shows that they are being picked-up and have all of the materials.

So, internet told me that INT_DRIVER_STYLE00 is a material in M-FPDRIVER.GMT and M-FPDRIVER2.GMT. Rightfully enough, in those files that material name refers to a texture called arms_blackwhite.dds that is nowhere in the Can-Am reboot mod. Having said that, adding a dds file with that name to the mas files of the mod still does not work and the mod returns that same error. Adding those two GMT files to the mod files still does not work and returns the same error.

Thinking the only option is to go back to the original mod since that one works. I can only guess it's something related to the tidy up of the GTR files in this new version.

Last edited by jmlima on Sun 18 Aug 2024, 8:22 am; edited 1 time in total
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1216
Anmeldedatum : 2016-02-23
Ort : In my other Shed

Can-Am Reboot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can-Am Reboot   Can-Am Reboot EmptySun 18 Aug 2024, 8:14 am

Look in the cas file






make sure you also have the CAN-AM_COMMON.GTR in your install

In each cars cas file I would add an extra search path line as above.

Drivers suits are located in your teams folder check the files exist

Stex files are in your teams folder also.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 9
Anmeldedatum : 2012-12-06

Can-Am Reboot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can-Am Reboot   Can-Am Reboot EmptySun 18 Aug 2024, 8:26 am

Yup, done that, checked those files exist, they do, still nothing.

But there is one interesting thing with driver files. Not all of them have suits, some only have helmets but, putting that aside, the game crashes if you specifically refer those GTR files in the cas file. The game claims it cannot open those suit files. They open fine in GEeditor, but the game defo does not seem to like them.

Also just tried adding the contents of those files to the main mas files and same result.

Yeah, something odd here. Opening up the *.car file in 3dsim shows all textures in their correct place, including the drivers. So it's really the game when it goes to pick-up the files that cannot for some reason find them.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1216
Anmeldedatum : 2016-02-23
Ort : In my other Shed

Can-Am Reboot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can-Am Reboot   Can-Am Reboot EmptySun 18 Aug 2024, 9:21 pm

delete and reload the mod something may have got corrupted.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 9
Anmeldedatum : 2012-12-06

Can-Am Reboot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can-Am Reboot   Can-Am Reboot EmptyTue 20 Aug 2024, 10:31 am

Thanks for the help but still nothing. Cannot really understand it.

I went back to the mod's previous version and already have a new 1967 Lola T-70 rolling in the game so will stick with that version.

Thanks again!
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1216
Anmeldedatum : 2016-02-23
Ort : In my other Shed

Can-Am Reboot Empty
PostSubject: Re: Can-Am Reboot   Can-Am Reboot EmptyTue 20 Aug 2024, 10:46 am

Use this version it should be ok its a final one


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PostSubject: Re: Can-Am Reboot   Can-Am Reboot Empty

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