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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Pixel
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944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_lcap944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Voting_bar944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_rcap 
944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_lcap944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Voting_bar944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_rcap 
944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_lcap944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Voting_bar944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_rcap 
944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_lcap944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Voting_bar944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_rcap 
944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_lcap944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Voting_bar944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_rcap 
944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_lcap944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Voting_bar944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_rcap 
944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_lcap944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Voting_bar944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_rcap 
944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_lcap944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Voting_bar944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_rcap 
944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_lcap944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Voting_bar944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_rcap 
944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_lcap944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Voting_bar944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Vote_rcap 
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 944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 46
Anmeldedatum : 2013-11-29

944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Empty
PostSubject: 944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45   944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 EmptyWed 10 Dec 2014, 2:30 am

944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 S2Daytona45

After a very successful round at Road Atlanta where the 944 Spec Racing Championship broke it's attendance record and it's finish drivers records last night, the series moves to Daytona to make a final attempt at the Daytona 45, which was originally scheduled for November 17th. That night, despite a record breaking turnout, server troubles plagued the attempt and ultimately resulted in the round being rescheduled, and the race server being scrapped. Since that night, the league has been operating on a new server that is much much beefier and thus has not only tied the previous record number of drivers twice, but we finally broke it last night, for the third time this season.

At this time the championship has not been clinched by BigCatfish and mathematically will go down to the final race at Daytona. Depending on the size of the field and the events that take place next Monday night (the 15th), the championship can still be won by dah72094. Despite that however, there are still many other points battles still in full swing. Anything can happen in 45 minutes at Daytona, especially with a rolling start and a mandatory stop, so come join us for the final round of the second season of the 944 Spec Racing Championship! We still have lots of seats open and you are sure to find yourself in a good tight battle!

For more information on the last round of the championship, >>CLICK HERE<<.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 46
Anmeldedatum : 2013-11-29

944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45   944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45 EmptySun 14 Dec 2014, 4:23 pm

Tomorrow is the finale, don't miss it!
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944 Spec S2 Finale: Daytona 45
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