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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Pixel
Donated: 75€

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944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_lcap944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Voting_bar944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_rcap 
944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_lcap944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Voting_bar944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_rcap 
944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_lcap944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Voting_bar944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_rcap 
944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_lcap944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Voting_bar944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_rcap 
944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_lcap944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Voting_bar944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_rcap 
944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_lcap944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Voting_bar944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_rcap 
944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_lcap944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Voting_bar944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_rcap 
944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_lcap944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Voting_bar944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_rcap 
944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_lcap944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Voting_bar944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_rcap 
944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_lcap944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Voting_bar944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Vote_rcap 
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 944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 46
Anmeldedatum : 2013-11-29

944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston Empty
PostSubject: 944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston   944 Spec Event 7: Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston EmptyMon 24 Nov 2014, 2:20 pm

Hello everyone. Last week's Daytona 45 has been postponed after our repeated (but now hopefully solved) server issues left only half of the drivers who showed up to race, actually racing. In order to keep the points race tight, Interim Race Admin BigCatfish decided to run the race with the drivers he had as a no-points fun race. The event is currently being rescheduled and an announcement will be made soon. In the mean time though, we push forward. After a couple of successful server tests where we learned a lot about how to set it up, we are now confident in our server's ability to handle our growing roster. With this confidence we move into tonight's event at Houston Reliant Stadium for Event 7, the Shade Tree PC Grand Prix of Houston. Tonight will be one of our classic dual sprint race format events featuring our 944 Spec series cars, with some fresh upgrades, and a couple of other fixes to make the cars better, and hopefully, the racing tighter. We also resume our points championship, where Mongoose hopes to close down on dah72094 for 2nd place in the standings while, dah72094 hopes to close the gap to points leader BigCatfish. The Houston Reliant Stadium street circuit has been known in the sim racing world to come with a lot of action, and let's face it, we all like action. So join us for tonight's resumption of the 944 Spec Racing Championship and get in on the action!
You can find details on tonight's race by following this link.
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