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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Pixel
Donated: 75€

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Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_lcapOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Voting_barOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_rcap 
Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_lcapOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Voting_barOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_rcap 
Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_lcapOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Voting_barOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_rcap 
Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_lcapOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Voting_barOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_rcap 
Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_lcapOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Voting_barOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_rcap 
Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_lcapOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Voting_barOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_rcap 
Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_lcapOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Voting_barOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_rcap 
Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_lcapOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Voting_barOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_rcap 
Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_lcapOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Voting_barOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_rcap 
Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_lcapOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Voting_barOpel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Vote_rcap 
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 Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 160
Anmeldedatum : 2013-06-01
Alter : 61
Ort : Wettenberg/Hessen

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyMon 16 Sep 2013, 12:47 pm

New WIP Cars.
I need your opinion.
Adjust these two beauties still in GTLegends?
Ascona and Manta B400 from 1982 & 1983.
Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Ascona10
Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Manta_10
The Opel Manta is out of the game Colin McRae Dirt 3
The Opel Ascona is a model of a free 3DS Rally Cars Pack Download
I've loaded times.
I think it is based on the model of RTS013, one in 2005
Ascona B400 has published mod for the game Rally Trophy.

When her since they think too young for GTL, I'll probably
Convert only for GTR2.

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Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyMon 16 Sep 2013, 12:50 pm

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 118
Anmeldedatum : 2011-06-16
Ort : Copenhagen, Denmark

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyMon 16 Sep 2013, 12:54 pm

Please do both for GTL, btw a BIG THANK YOU! for all your other great cars cheers
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyMon 16 Sep 2013, 3:03 pm

ChrisMarks wrote:
Please do both for GTL, btw a BIG THANK YOU! for all your other great cars cheers
Ditto'ed cheers
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 135
Anmeldedatum : 2012-01-23
Ort : Germany

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyMon 16 Sep 2013, 3:05 pm

Wow speedster1963 this was a dream great cheers cheers cheers sunny 

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2386
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
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Ort : Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyMon 16 Sep 2013, 5:02 pm

speedster1963 wrote:
New WIP Cars.
I need your opinion.
Adjust these two beauties still in GTLegends?
Ascona and Manta B400 from 1982 & 1983.
Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Ascona10
Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Manta_10
When her since they think too young for GTL, I'll probably
Convert only for GTR2.

Sorry my dear speedster! In my humble opinion, they are not cars to GTL, because in fact, they are too new (80's). It's better preserve them only to GTR2.
Thanks very much for the great job you have been done to our beloved games/sims, looking to our pure enjoyment and fun! Cheers!cheers cheers cheers 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1071
Anmeldedatum : 2011-10-26
Alter : 62
Ort : Liège Belgium - not so far from Spa-Francorchamps

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyMon 16 Sep 2013, 5:45 pm

GeeDee wrote:
ChrisMarks wrote:
Please do both for GTL, btw a BIG THANK YOU! for all your other great cars cheers
Ditto'ed cheers
+ 1 !!! cheers

@ Ney, I agree totally with you, but as an Opel driver and fan (and since I don't have GTR2), I ask for an exception. Please, please..... Wink
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Premium Member
Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyMon 16 Sep 2013, 7:44 pm

Of course Ney is totally right but for myself I like to try and drive any mod I can in the game GTL, but not to compete... just to see if the mod has been to done to satisfaction.  Razz Laughing geek tongue clown drunken
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 151
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-25
Alter : 35
Ort : Finland

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyMon 16 Sep 2013, 10:21 pm

Of course youngtimers are welcome in GTL.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 92
Anmeldedatum : 2013-08-02

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyTue 17 Sep 2013, 12:06 am

It´s been eight years or so since the release of GTL, so naturally the magic date is now (GTC)´84! Very Happy 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1975
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Ort : Florida, USA

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyTue 17 Sep 2013, 12:16 am

1967 wrote:
It´s been eight years or so since the release of GTL, so naturally the magic date is now (GTC)´84! Very Happy 
I suppose...

When GTL was released in 2005, the newest cars were 1976 (30 years old). So I guess it follows that since this is 2013, cars of vintage 1984 would be proper...but I won't have 'em in my sim (despite all the cars that exceed the virtual limits of the sim I've converted over the past couple years).
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 410
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 71

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyTue 17 Sep 2013, 1:16 am

I think these cars have the right to be in GTL because they are evolutions of the seventies cars,RWD no aero effect .In fact they are on a par with the Ford Escort II that is in the game.Same power (Cosworth) and maybe more weight.In fact the Opel we need is this Commodore http://www.classic-and-vintage-cars.com/picture/number9313.asp that ran in Group 1 in many races.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 92
Anmeldedatum : 2013-08-02

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyTue 17 Sep 2013, 8:31 am

Maybe a new car class like GTC84 = Youngtimers (this term is used in Germany) could solve the problems for everyone.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 160
Anmeldedatum : 2013-06-01
Alter : 61
Ort : Wettenberg/Hessen

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyFri 20 Sep 2013, 1:48 pm

W.I.P. Update !!!!!!!!!Very Happy 

Some of you want to see the Opel's in GTL.
Otherwise they are too young for GTL.
Everyone can decide for themselves.
I will adjust it for GTL for download.
Then when they are ready.

Today, only a small update to the conversions.
Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? S63_as10
Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? S63_ma10

The sound for Opel is currently the biggest problem.
But working on it.

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? S63_ma11
Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? S63_as11
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 92
Anmeldedatum : 2013-08-02

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyFri 20 Sep 2013, 2:32 pm

Now that I see them I say they are a MUST for GTL! Wink
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1071
Anmeldedatum : 2011-10-26
Alter : 62
Ort : Liège Belgium - not so far from Spa-Francorchamps

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyFri 20 Sep 2013, 2:46 pm

Waow Speedster ! cyclops cyclops cyclops cyclops cyclops  They're wonderful ! Great thanks for your work.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 596
Anmeldedatum : 2010-12-19

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyFri 20 Sep 2013, 7:07 pm

oh yes please.bring it on.Cant wait to drive them in gtr2,specially the ascona.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 164
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyFri 20 Sep 2013, 10:58 pm

Ascona 400 .... why not. bounce 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 108
Anmeldedatum : 2011-08-31
Alter : 52
Ort : Poland

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptySat 21 Sep 2013, 8:17 pm


To start with a big thank you for the Speedster's 1963 a lot of work put into the mods.

I think we can easily assume that GT Legends stop in 80 (GTC-76 plus or minus four years). And both Opel Ascona B and the Manta B appeared before the 80th .. even opel manta 400.
Besides, suitable for Ford Escort II. Very Happy 

Also ... in good conscience you can throw your next great mods from the late 70s, and again...and again...and again ... cheers cheers cheers 

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 82
Anmeldedatum : 2012-02-18
Alter : 57
Ort : Germany - not far from wonderful Dresden

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptySun 22 Sep 2013, 5:26 pm

1967 wrote:
Now that I see them I say they are a MUST for GTL! Wink
+1 cheers cheers bounce 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 135
Anmeldedatum : 2012-01-23
Ort : Germany

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyMon 23 Sep 2013, 4:41 pm

why not A Ascona for GTL 1970–1975 ? Very Happy 

Look ..... http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opel_Ascona_A

... and many Thank to Speedster for this great Convertions cheers cheers cheers 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1071
Anmeldedatum : 2011-10-26
Alter : 62
Ort : Liège Belgium - not so far from Spa-Francorchamps

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyMon 23 Sep 2013, 9:16 pm

Hi tipo66,

Look at this : http://www.altbierbude.de/component/option,com_fireboard/Itemid,99/func,view/id,56292/catid,38/limit,6/limitstart,0/lang,en/

But the Ascona would be more beautiful with fenders like these one: (group 2) cyclops cyclops 

Wink Very Happy cheers
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 596
Anmeldedatum : 2010-12-19

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyMon 23 Sep 2013, 9:48 pm

the ascona speedster is doing liiks better
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 160
Anmeldedatum : 2013-06-01
Alter : 61
Ort : Wettenberg/Hessen

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyWed 25 Sep 2013, 5:21 pm

Thanks for the comments.Very Happy 

New pictures and WIP Video's from
Ascona and Manta in my blog.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 43
Anmeldedatum : 2011-11-28
Alter : 37

Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? EmptyThu 05 Dec 2013, 5:30 pm

I'm late to post but the GTL stops at 1976 because in 1976 there was a big FIA rule change and introduction of Gr5 cars which are much more powerful than the cars in GTL, also the old Gr2 BMW and Capri were either extinct or detuned to a lower level.

Most recent FIA Historic championship stops at 1981 when I *think* they changed the rules once again and created the Groups A, B and C, so the cars became much different and don't run with the old cars.

So I think a car to be eligible for GTL would need to be 1981 or older, with the release of Gr5 and IMSA GTX cars, but of course you can do whatever you want with the game.

The cars are great BTW. Very Happy
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Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ?   Opel Ascona & Manta B 400 for GTL ? Empty

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