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Evolution Modding

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COSTS PER YEAR: 150€[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Pixel
Donated: 75€

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[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_lcap[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Voting_bar[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_rcap 
[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_lcap[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Voting_bar[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_rcap 
[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_lcap[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Voting_bar[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_rcap 
[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_lcap[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Voting_bar[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_rcap 
[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_lcap[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Voting_bar[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_rcap 
[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_lcap[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Voting_bar[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_rcap 
[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_lcap[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Voting_bar[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_rcap 
[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_lcap[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Voting_bar[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_rcap 
[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_lcap[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Voting_bar[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_rcap 
[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_lcap[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Voting_bar[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Vote_rcap 
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 [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 160
Anmeldedatum : 2013-06-01
Alter : 61
Ort : Wettenberg/Hessen

[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Empty
PostSubject: [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4   [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 EmptyFri 12 Jul 2013, 11:51 pm

Hello community.

I also tried on me once Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4.
The Stratos model is out of the game CMR Dirt.
As some modders in front of me, I've tried
to convert the car.
[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 S63_st10

I went into a little more detail.
Front and rear hood are separate GMTs, the front hood
can be lost in a crash in the game.
[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Render10
Engine, suspension, seats and steering wheels were processed, adds,
or improved.
Headlights are also seperate GMT `s, the multiple possibilities
exist in the game. Headlights to on, with light ramp, ramp, etc. only
The windows can be shown with or without window banner.
The rims match the original Campagnolo wheels.
They are as Body2 separately Paintbar.
[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Render11

Templates for:
WINDOWS_Exter with or without banners,
Windows_Intern with or without banners,
CPIT03 I have also created.
[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Render12

For the existing and Downloadable Model Dirt Skins have been incorporated into my mod
10 vehicles are in the mod in the Game.
[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 S63_st11[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 S63_st12[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 S63_st13[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 S63_st14

The sound of the Stratos was contribute by "XtraPac92," a buddy modder. THANKS!!!

Have even a little testdrive Video on YouTube.
The Video and other images You can watch on my blog.

The Lancia Stratos HF mod is almost done.
Now, however, come to me some concern, to release him. scratch 
Since already several modders for GTL, GTR2, GTR Evo, rFactor, etc. with the Stratos from Dirt
have employed ( scca1981, BenMKI, splintert92, TicToc just to name a few) have
I consider that there could be disputes if I releasen my mod.

As I said, it is the model of Dirt, which is why many 2D and 3D files
my mod with those of other same.
To get permission, with so many modders seems to me useful and useless.
But I also want to have any trouble with other modders or the community. Neutral 

Devil's circle!!! Twisted Evil 

Well what do you think?

Lancia Stratos HF Group 4 would like to share with you.
I work also still on the Ferrari 308GTB Gr.4, for the good
Would fit Stratos, yes both have the same engine.
Sorry for my bad English!

Wish you all a nice weekend
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 2394
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-23
Alter : 76
Ort : Rio de Janeiro - Brazil

[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4   [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 EmptyFri 12 Jul 2013, 11:59 pm

Well Speedster, in my humble opinion, I think, if you put all these names in your release, you must upload this Mod for us, for our community, for our enjoyment, for our GTL.
You are doing this for free, only and just to contribute to preserve our beloved GTL alive and stronger day by day.
So, please, do it!! Cheers!cheers 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 596
Anmeldedatum : 2010-12-20

[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4   [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 EmptySat 13 Jul 2013, 2:50 am

i say yes to the stratos and to the ferrari,bring em on mate
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Premium Member
Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 4040
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-24
Alter : 75
Ort : 1 hour from Croft and enough distance from Rick & Ney

[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4   [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 EmptySat 13 Jul 2013, 6:02 am

ney.dias wrote:
Well Speedster, in my humble opinion, I think, if you put all these names in your release, you must upload this Mod for us, for our community, for our enjoyment, for our GTL.
You are doing this for free, only and just to contribute to preserve our beloved GTL alive and stronger day by day.
So, please, do it!! Cheers!cheers 

I agree with what my good friend Ney has to say. Let's keep GTL alive!!!!

Cheers Speedster and the video looks great!

Gee cheers 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1191
Anmeldedatum : 2011-03-17

[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4   [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 EmptySat 13 Jul 2013, 7:43 am

I agree with the others, especially since this is my favourite car of all time!!! cheers bounce 
I really don't see a problem if you give full credit where its need to other modders, after all,as Ney said,your not trying to profit in any way,claim undue credit.
All you are doing is trying to add to the enjoyment of all in the GTL community, where's the harm in that??
All power to you Speedster! as GeeDee says, Lets keep GTL Alive!! cheers bounce Very Happy for ALL of us!! cheers 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1071
Anmeldedatum : 2011-10-27
Alter : 62
Ort : Liège Belgium - not so far from Spa-Francorchamps

[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4   [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 EmptySat 13 Jul 2013, 6:03 pm

nikbear wrote:
I agree with the others, especially since this is my favourite car of all time!!! cheers bounce 
I really don't see a problem if you give full credit where its need to other modders, after all,as Ney said,your not trying to profit in any way,claim undue credit.
All you are doing is trying to add to the enjoyment of all in the GTL community, where's the harm in that??
All power to you Speedster! as GeeDee says, Lets keep GTL Alive!! cheers bounce Very Happy for ALL of us!! cheers 

+++++1 ! I agree to-tal-ly ! Great work Speedster, as usual. Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 495
Anmeldedatum : 2010-06-26
Alter : 69
Ort : Liverpool,UK

[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4   [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 EmptySat 13 Jul 2013, 9:58 pm

if you have converted this mod yourself, and added new parts not used by other modders, what possible complaint can anybody have?
The makers of Forza are the only people who may have a concern.Release it and let everybody have another choice of Stratos.

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Anzahl der Beiträge : 1
Anmeldedatum : 2011-10-24

[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4   [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 EmptySun 14 Jul 2013, 10:30 am

bravo Speedster:cheers: 
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 15
Anmeldedatum : 2011-11-15

[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4   [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 EmptySun 14 Jul 2013, 11:22 pm

In my opinion, this is your work and you have the right to release it.
It's another great work of yours.. thanks for keeping alive the GTL.
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 135
Anmeldedatum : 2012-01-23
Ort : Germany

[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4   [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 EmptyWed 17 Jul 2013, 3:46 am

silverhand wrote:
In my opinion, this is your work and you have the right to release it.
It's another great work of yours.. thanks for keeping alive the GTL.

yes i see it also, its your work, please release it sunny sunny 
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Premium Member
Premium Member

Anzahl der Beiträge : 308
Anmeldedatum : 2010-07-29
Alter : 64

[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4   [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 EmptyWed 17 Jul 2013, 6:34 pm

Great work as usual.


Was Smile
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Anzahl der Beiträge : 160
Anmeldedatum : 2013-06-01
Alter : 61
Ort : Wettenberg/Hessen

[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4   [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 EmptyWed 17 Jul 2013, 7:26 pm

Hi all,

Thanks for your comments.
It goes on.
I have the car even donated a paintable Foglight cover.
The skin's latest updating must be something else.
[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Strato10
A InGame TestDrive Pic.
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[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4   [WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4 Empty

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[WIP-PRIVAT?] Lancia Stratos HF Gr.4
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